Boarding Services

Let Panzel Family Office take care of your children’s education. We find the best boarding and private schools for your children. Ensure the success of the next generation !


We know how difficult and time-consuming the process of finding the best school for your children can be. 

That’s why our experts with a large network all around Switzerland choose the best private and boarding schools for the Next Generation of investors. 

Let's work together

Please prove you are human by selecting the star.
Sven & Nadine Panzel

Panzel Family Office

Est. 1918

Panzel Family Office is the most innovative provider of NextGen Family Office Services in Switzerland and worldwide. At Panzel Family Office, everything runs under the motto: the best is good enough.

Recruiting Services

Panzel Family Office provides placement, training and coaching services. We prioritise female talent.

Startup Platform for NextGen

Panzel Family Office helps the successor generations of family businesses (Next Generation) to launch their own startup in the gaming, music or sports industry.

Asset and Wealth Management

Panzel Family Office provides consulting in Finance and Wealth Management.

Relocation Services

Panzel Family Office helps families from different European countries plan their move to Switzerland and make sure it runs smoothly.

Boarding Services

Panzel Family Office helps their client families find the best private and boarding schools for their children.

Family Office Services

Panzel Family Office offers services such as Investor Relations (IR), Public Relations (PR) and Financial Communication as well as Training for families from European countries.

Let's Connect

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